The Ultimate Personality Test

1. Sometimes, I am very hard-working.

Agree Disagree

2. I value my ability to worry about the future.

Agree Disagree

3. Friends often tell me that I need to try new things.

Agree Disagree

4. I am an extremely flirtatious person.

Agree Disagree

5. I accept criticism less than most people I know.

Agree Disagree

6. I am an extremely depressed person.

Agree Disagree

7. Sometimes I will block out my surroundings at the expense of being able to take responsibility for my actions.

Agree Disagree

8. I would like to learn to communicate with those inside my social circle.

Agree Disagree

9. I find it difficult to take a joke.

Agree Disagree

10. I rarely feel that I can be lonely.

Agree Disagree

Created by The Surrealist for the 1st of April 2005. Tell and thank your friends.